Four Easy Ways to Bring Hemp Into Your Life | Jo Dope Bed Linen

How do I incorporate Hemp into my life?

Becoming a part of the eco-friendly revolution is easier than you thought…

These days, hemp is a rising force, and in certain countries you will see hemp advertising on what seems like every street corner. But, for many, becoming a part of the hemp movement still feels like quite a way away. Why? Well, there are a few reasons. It’s too expensive. I like my cotton products too much. I just never got around to trying it out. Of these, we’d say that the last response is the most common. So here’s how to bring hemp into your life as easily as possible, and maybe, how to change your life in the process.

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These days, hemp is a rising force, and in certain countries you will see hemp advertising on what seems like every street corner. But, for many, becoming a part of the hemp movement still feels like quite a way away. Why? Well, there are a few reasons. It’s too expensive. I like my cotton products too much. I just never got around to trying it out. Of these, we’d say that the last response is the most common. So here’s how to bring hemp into your life as easily as possible, and maybe, how to change your life in the process.

How can I bring hemp seeds into my life?

The hemp generation is underway, and these li’l beauties are the seeds of revolution. If you’re even remotely healthily minded, you probably have some kind of seed in your kitchen - sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds. Did you know that hemp seeds can replace one, or all of these and taste wonderful? And, hemp seeds actually cost less than some of the above options, and are found in the same aisle at the supermarket. The only time you lose by choosing them is by reaching to a new shelf, otherwise, hemp can begin to play a part in your life just like that. And, by buying hemp seeds, you increase your health benefits. These seeds protect brain and heart health, improve skin quality, and also support the environment by supporting hemp cultivation (hemp is arguably the single best conventional crop for carbon sequestration). A packet of hemp seeds currently goes for $5 at Aldi.


How can I bring hemp cosmetics into my life?

If there’s one thing that the western world has no shortage of, it’s hemp cosmetics. And another thing, even larger, is the amount of chemicals in conventional cosmetics. Take shampoo and conditioner, for example. The sulphates found in them can, and will remove the natural oils that are imperative for healthy, lustrous hair. Hemp shampoo, on the contrary, will revitalise your hair, and most hemp oil-based creams and moisturisers will do the same, without impacting the planet. We still recommend that you research all the ingredients before use. And it doesn’t take much, you can even order them online, and before you know it, you’ll be one of those cool modern, hemp-advocating humans. 

How can hemp bed sheets change my life?

The other recommendations on this list have been for easy, everyday items that you can seamlessly slot into your weekly purchasing list. Hemp bed sheets are different. They require a little more monetary investment, but the difference is that they will literally last you a lifetime, and bring you comfort every day. Plus, it doesn’t get more hempen than having hemp sheets on the place you sleep!! Not only do they benefit your sleep health through increased aeration, antimicrobial properties and a smooth, wrinkle-free texture, but they also add a lovely homely feel to your room and your entire house, and they are amazing for the planet. Check out our blog on this here. So, yes, hemp bed sheets are probably the final step in your journey to becoming the true sustainable eco-friendly professional you always knew you could be. Check out our range of bed sheets here and rest assured that they’re the best quality, and they do not damage the world - they are sustainable from harvest to warehouse to sale.

And that’s all for today. By taking on one, or all of these easy steps, you will truly begin to be someone who has brought the wonder of hemp into their life. And you’ll be better for it - trust us, because we did the same, and it worked wonders.


Lj Langoulant

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